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The Lancaster City Council met for its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Meeting Room.  The following members were present: Olson, Nordin, Hilman and Sebenaler.   Barron was absent.

 Hilman moved to approve the council minutes of the January 14, 2015 regular meeting, seconded by Nordin and carried.   A copy of the Minutes will be posted at the Lancaster City Hall and U.S. Post Office and available upon request to the clerk.

The council reviewed the February 2015 bills presented this night and any other bills that have been paid prior to this meeting to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses as approved in the 2015 Rates, Fees & Appointments Schedule.   Hilman moved to approve the bills, second by Sebenaler and carried.  An abstract of bills will be posted with the minutes and are available upon request to the clerk.

Clerk reported that the September hail damage claim for fire department vehicles is $4,488.19 and the claim has been paid  by the League of MN Cities Insurance trust.   The fire department will be responsible to replace the windshields and do any other repairs they deem necessary. 

The Mayor reported that 2 additional Fire Department Applicants have been received and that the required background checks have been completed and he finds no issues that would disallow them as candidates for the Fire Department.  Sebenaler moved to appointment Mark Bernstrom and Chris Wallenberg to the Fire Department, second by Hilman and carried.

Fire Chief, Keith Schmiedeberg and Assistant Fire Chiefs, Casey Faken and Tyler Swenson met with the council to discuss various issues regarding the fire department.  Schmiedeberg reported that at this time due to training and other equipment that the department will just keep their eyes open for a new tanker truck but not make a purchase unless a good deal presents itself. 

Schmiedeberg reported that the department needs 18 new pagers due to new technology that makes the old pagers obsolete.  The cost of the pagers would not exceed $5000 and there will be grants that will payback approximately ½ of the cost.  Sebenaler moved to purchase the 18 pagers with the cost not to exceed $5,000.00, second by Hilman and carried.

Schmiedeberg also requests the purchase of 5 new sets of turnout gear, gloves, boots, hose and various small items need to update department equipment and gear, the cost is not expected to exceed $15,000.00.  Nordin moved to allow gear and small equipment purchases not to exceed $15,000.00, second by Hilman and carried.

Schmiedeberg also requested that the City sell the 2008 2 seat Ranger on bids with the right to refuse bids if not high enough.    They would like to keep the tracks to use on a 1 seat Ranger that would be purchased when a suitable replacement is found.   Sebenaler moved to advertise the 2008 ranger for sale with the right to refuse any and all bids; payment to be by certified check with the bid opening to be at the March 11th, 2015 Council meeting at 7:30PM, second by Hilman and carried.   Mayor directed the clerk to place an ad in various newspapers for 2 weeks.

Clerk reported that Gary Emerson from Emerson Music and Sound has passed away and a family member has contacted the clerk and says that the outside PA System project will be completed as agreed to.

Clerk asked the council to clarify what Kathy Hunter’s Annual salary would be for 2015.   Hilman moved to increase Hunter’s annual salary by 3%, second by Nordin and carried.

Sebenaler reported that the water meters with outside readers are no longer available.   At this time the city needs about 130 additional water meters to finish the water meter replacement plan that had been implemented a few years ago.  Sebenaler and Zondagh met with a representative from DSG-Dakota Supply Group to view meter options.  Sebenaler recommends purchasing meters with an outside touch pad meter reading system at a cost of approximately $80.00 per meter and to also purchase the $400.00 meter reader.  Sebenaler noted that this system with the reader should be flexible enough to allow various methods of reading in the future.  Hilman moved to purchasing 36 meters a year until the meter replacement project is complete and purchase the meter reader with the cost not to exceed $4,000.00 per year, second by Nordin and carried.

Council reviewed the 2014 Pay Equity report to be submitted to the State of Minnesota.  Sebenaler moved to accept the report and approve the submittal, second by Hilman and carried.

Hanson Manufacturing has sent correspondence regarding their 2 loans from the city revolving loan fund stating that the company is working on a refinancing plan and as soon as it is completed they will come in and reorganize the loans with the city.  Clerk reported that  as of January 2015 the full loan payments were to resume and no payments have  been received for January or February of 2015.   Council discussed the issue and directed  the clerk to send correspondence to Mark Hanson, CEO of Hanson Manufacturing that he attend the April council meeting and discuss how they will meet their financial obligations to the city.

Council reviewed the finalized 2014 Year end balance sheet and income statements for each fund.  Council alos reviewed the January 2015 City and Liquor Store financial information; daily sales averages for the liquor store.

Mayor reported that the lions are planning to install a fence on the east side of the gazebo park to replace the trees that were removed.

Lancaster School asked the council to pass a resolution in support of Read Across America Day, March 2nd 2015.  Hilman moved to pass the resolution, second by Nordin and carried.

Olson reported that he has met with the Kittson County Engineer regarding snow removal in Lancaster  at this time the county blade will do snow removal on 4th and 5th Street before leaving town but if the blade is called out he will not  be cleaning the city streets as mentioned.

Jen Rice, Liquor Store Manager is requesting permission to have the Liquor Store open on Sunday February 22, 2015 for the Daytona 500 race.  Hilman moved to allow the Sunday opening and sale of liquor, second by Nordin and carried.,

The clerk asked direction on the quoting of the Liquor Store liquor liability.  Due to changes in the insurance agency that has previously handled writing of the Liquor Store liquor liability and confusion as to who would write the policy the process of obtaining a new policy has started later than normal.  The liquor store manager would like to continue with Farmers Union Agency for consistency.   The council will not change from the Farmers Union Insurance Company at this time in order to have the policy in place as soon as possible, but will address quoting the liquor liability policy out in the future.

Being no further business the council adjourned.

Carol Johnson, Clerk/Treasurer                         Approved:  Mike Olson, Mayor







Other links: Lancaster Riverside Golf Course | Lancaster Public School


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