Rates/fees set by this motion supersede any as set by Ordinance.
Acting Mayor to act if Mayor is absent: Teri Halvorson
Fire Chief: Casey Faken $1,800.00 annual salary
Assistant Fire Chiefs: Tyler Swenson and Clark Weleski-no annual salary
Fire Dept. fire reporting clerk: Lindsey Groves $575 per year as independent contractor-uses own computer and sets own hours
Responsibility areas: City buildings – Teri Halvorson
City Services, City Employees & Equip – Kathy Bernstrom
City Infrastructure – Kathy Bernstrom
Liquor Store – John Stenquist
Perrsonnel Committee- Kathy Bernstrom & Teri Halvorson
Park/Recreation – Krista Matthew
Fire Department – Teri Halvorson
Economic Development –Kathy Bernstrom
Emergency Management Director-Mayor Reimbursement Rate -0- (LCC code)
Board Appointments: Lancaster EDA-City Council-no appointed at large members
Kittson Co. Affordable Housing-Kathy Bernstrom
Floodplain Board of Appeals/Adjustment-Mayor and Council
Safety Committee member to NW Regional Safety Group-Clerk
Lancaster Business Association-Teri Halvorson & Kathy Bernstrom
Council Per Diems (this includes committees and other classes/meetings attended)
Mayor – $150 per mtg.
Council – $100 per mtg.
Mileage – current IRS mileage rate
Meals: In State-Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner $20/$25/$35
Hotels: $250
Fire Service Charges: $500.00 (minimum charge for first hour)- $1,000.00 (maximum fee). Refer to current DNR rate schedule for equipment and labor costs to respond to state and federal calls for service.
Official Newspaper: Kittson County Enterprise
Official Depositories: United Valley Bank; American Federal Bank and 4M Fund (MN Municipal Money Market fund)
Officials allowed to sign checks and Certificates of Deposits: Mayor, Kathy Bernstrom, Acting Mayor Teri Halvorson and Clerk/Treasurer, Carol Johnson with a minimum of 2 signatures required on each check.
Designated Business Administrator with the authority to make Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT)-City Clerk/Treasurer
Official Insurance Agent: Dan Sjostrand Agency
City Adopts the MN Historical Society and State Archive records retention guidelines.
City agrees to be the Fiscal Agent for the Lancaster Business Association to obtain legacy grants from Northwest MN Arts Council.
BUILDING RENTAL RATES: See rental rates sheet
Camping fees: Tent Site 15.00
Daily water& electric 20.00
Weekly water & electric 120.00
Monthly water & electric 275.00 OR $1300 if paid in full by June 1st (covers May1st-Sept 30th camping season)
Permits: Peddlers daily $ 50.00
Liquor Off sale: 3.2 only annual fee $300.00–effective licenses starting 1/1/2026 and after. **NO OTHER intoxicating liquor licenses are allow per state statute—UNLESS split liquor has been approved by city wide vote, no vote has been held at this time.
Clerk has approval effective each January 1 with the passing of the rates & fees schedule to pay any bills necessary to avoid late payments, receive discounts & meet payroll and all payroll expenses.
1/10/2024 Council approved annual appropriation of $5,000.00 to Lancaster Business Association for Annual Events. The city general fund will pay ½ with the Liquor Store to pay the other ½. To be revisited after 2025 celebration.
Mayor and/or Clerk have preapproval to sign gambling bingo and raffle application requests for other in county entities that are holding events in the Community Center.
Mayor and/or Clerk have preapproval to sign Permit to Kittson County to close CSAH27 from corner of CSAH 27 and 1st St. to Corner of CASH 27 and 2nd St. for Citywide festival events.
Public Works Equipment/man hour rates: Payloader $150/hr.; John Deere Tractor & Woods Rotary Mower $150/hr.; JD Front Mount Mower $125/hr.; and Employee rate for all other issues not involving Equipment $45.00/hr. All of these items will be billed at a minimum of 1 hour per time. NOT FOR GENERAL HIRE-ONLY IF CITY ABATEMENT NEEDED.
Water Rates: Minimum 6000 gallons and less $72.00/quarter and $8.00/each 1000 gallons used above the minimum.
Sewer Rates: (Based on gallons of water used) Minimum 6000 gallons & less $68.00/quarter and $7.50/each 1000 gallon of water used above the minimum.
Industrial Party Special Sewer Rate: (if water usage exceeds 30k) sewer rate is $18.80/1000 on all usage above 30k
Bulk Water rates: $16.00/1000 Gallon-minimum of 2000 Gal/$32.00
New account fee: $35 (if water is currently on). Hookup fee: $60.00
Meter Damage fees: $150.00 for inside water meter and $50 for outside meter reader.
Insufficient Funds Check charges are $30.00/check and will be added to the customer’s water/sewer account
Interest rate on overdue accounts 10% per annum. Minimum fee $10.00/month.
Water Tower Maintenance fee: $15.00 per quarter per residence / building.
Mosquito Spraying fee: $13.00 per quarter
Special Assessments: eff. 1/1/2025: New Water Hookups $5,000.00, 20 yr. assessment with 5% interest per year & Effective 1/1/2025 new Sewer Hookups $5,000.00, 20 yr. assessment with 5% interest per year. All Extensions will be reviewed by the council, and may at the council’s discretion be charged higher Water & Sewer hookup fees. EXTENSIONS CAN BE DENIED. NOTE: North Kittson Rural Water Special Assessments as applied to other city hookups also apply.
General usage rules:
- No alcohol may be consumed by underage persons
- No alcohol may be served unless purchased and served by Liquor Store Employees-insurance issues make this a necessity
- No smoking allowed
- All rented areas must be cleaned after use (except deep fryer)- Return tables to original location-Place chairs upside down on top of table-Minimum $ 50.00 will be taken from damage deposit or billed to renter if facility not cleaned.
- Decorations limited to tables and floor space and Hooks provided on walls and ceiling-NO Heavy objects on Hooks.
- All food brought by renter must be removed after building usage-do not use other food/condiments found in fridges
- All garbage must be placed in the dumpster provided at the back of the building
Additional charges that may apply:
Damage deposit: (Community Center & Full Kitchen $120.00 Hall only $50.00) No Deposit for local nonprofits.
Deposit refundable after facility inspected.
Individuals & Other Organizations
Lions/Legion/Fire/Golf & local nonprofits
Community center meeting area-NOTE if serving food $15.00 fee for kitchen serving area applies. $15 Doesn’t include fridge & freezer use.
(local nonprofits no charge i.e. 4-H, legion, lions, sr. citizens etc)
60.00/day for all days bldg occupied
Coffee Machine-(coffee & filters provided)
Kitchen serving area + Fridge & freezers -add $15 to use dishwasher
Kitchen hot prepside-Convection oven, grills, range and dishwasher (deep fryer not included) ****NOTE $60.00 fee for Kitchen Supervisor if no commercial kitchen experience-this is not a cook ONLY for supervision
Kitchen Deep fryer -Do not remove oil from fryer (City will do cleanup) ALL Renters must provide their own oil- Needs 6 gallons Oil
NON Profits Must provide their own oil (6 Gallons)
City Hall meeting room
(local nonprofits no charge i.e. 4-H, legion, lions, sr. citizens etc)
Events with Dance-Cleaning fee (normal cleanup still required by renter)
Gazebo-MUST reserve with the clerk if you want guaranteed usage
No charge
No charge
The City of Lancaster is an Equal Opportunity Provider.